Hello dear readers!
My dusty little blog has returned from the dead; or in this case, the Other Edge (I'll explain this in a moment). I had to return here today to tell you about a book that has just released, and I am so excited that it is now available to readers—Edged in Purple.
Last year I began working with a new client, John Feist. He had a slim manuscript that he wanted to expand, but wasn't entirely sure how. I've helped lots of writers do this with their work, so I knew we could achieve it.
But what really made me want to work with him was the unique premise he had for his book. Characters from Greek myth and Shakespeare somehow find their way outside of time and their stories, and then back inside time in Habsburg-era Austria, on the cusp of events that would change world history forever. Beginning in a place called “The Fold,” an extra-dimensional location with an “Edge,” and an “Other Edge,” this is a universe-hopping, time-jumping romance for the actual ages.
How could I say no to working on this book?! I could not. And so began months of shaping it into the final product, a fine novella that readers of historical romance, literary fiction, and the classics will thoroughly enjoy. It's whip-smart, breathless, funny, and heartwarming. It's truly a special book. You'll just have to read it to see what I mean!
Longtime readers of this blog (I am so sorry to have abandoned you!) will know that I never really talk that much about the books that I edit—I talk about books and authors I love, the editing process, the publishing business, but I don't really ever “toot my own horn,” as it were. I am breaking that embargo because I am just so proud of this book. It has joined my list of all-time favorites I have ever worked on. Of course, all the credit goes to its ingenious author, but I like to think I helped make it better via my edits and feedback. It is such a joy to me to see the final product out in the world. It's something that never gets old, no matter how long I do this.
Chanticleer Reviews published a 5-star rave about it, writing in part, “Readers...will be enthralled by this mirrored tale.”
It is available as an ebook for Kindle. And if you want to buy the paperback, I always recommend shopping via Bookshop.org. When you do, you support local, independent bookstores, which are a vital part of the literary landscape.
I hope you'll add this title to your summer TBR list. It will fit very nicely in a beach bag, and the story will transport you. Let me know in the comments the books you're most excited about right now!
Until next time (which will be much sooner than in recent history, I promise!) happy reading, and KEEP WRITING!